Monday, July 12, 2010

from the mouths of...almost 3rd graders

in my summer school class, i have sort of a theme for the week; last week it was the solar system. in honor of solar system adventures, i brought in "the universe" season 1 (a history channel series) and let them vote on which episode they wanted to watch. though i was pulling for the gas giants, they wanted to watch the sun - well it was a close race between the sun and the moon, but the sun won by a single vote.

the funny thing about this particular series is that they are always trying to make the solar system into some kind of EXTREME SPORTS or something. kevin and i laugh when they do it and say in our best boxing match announcer voice "death from above!" anyway, the video talked about solar storms for awhile and the kids all asked me if solar storms would kill the earth and i told them no, just disrupt our electronics :) but near the end they started to talk about how the sun will (in approximately 5 BILLION years) become a red giant and swallow up mercury, venus, and earth. this freaked them out. i tried explaining that 100 years is a long time for a human to live and that we are talking BILLIONS of years before the sun engulfs the earth, but little kids are not so good with time scales.

in the midst of this "the sun will swallow the earth" mini-panic, one of my kids says, "it doesn't matter. none of us are alive anyway; we are all just living in someone's dream and when they wake up we won't be here." where do they get this stuff? then another kid chimes in in agreement. so i ask them who is doing the dreaming, and they look at me like i am slow and say "nobody knows!"

have i mentioned lately how i adore my job?

1 comment:

  1. We watch a documentary about the process of birth from Discovery I think... As the baby grew they described it like some hot rod car. "By five weeks this baby is decked out with whole set of ten fingers!... 3000 times a minute!... grows a crazy rate of... totally awesome." By the end we felt kind of weird about birth.

    Imagine a beautiful song, a favorite of yours, being redone to match all the stupid fads of today. And then you can't get the dumb one out of your head.

    It all reminds me of this.,2897/
