Thursday, March 10, 2011

tampons - yep, i WILL talk about periods so be fore-warned

back when i was a women's studies minor a DU, i wrote a final paper about the vilification of women's natural body processes - specifically, menstruation and breast feeding. what i found out in my research (secondary to my topic) is that most commercial tampons are treated with a chemical called dioxin. dioxin has been implicated in endometriosis (which, by the way is rising in incredible numbers). the reason tampon companies can get away with it is that the trace amounts of this chemical left in the tampon is considered harmless. --- here's the catch --- dioxins NEVER leave your body - they just build up - so a trace amount over the life of your period is - A LOT. your vagina has probably the most permeable membrane of your body - and dioxin NEVER leaves! for the love of all that's holy ladies - please use organic tampons ( i have no info on pads so if you use those do your own research)

even knowing this i resisted organic tampons for years. why? because my short-term convenience over-rode my newly gained knowledge. i look back and i think - what? so ask yourself what you are willing to risk?

ok - so here's my major deviation. i have used organic tampons for years now. but this month i am attempting sea sponge tampons. is there a reason i need to throw away tampons - even organic ones - every month?

so i am one day into my cycle, with favorable results so far. but it is usually the "dammit i bled through!" day on two or three so i will keep you posted