Friday, June 4, 2010

moving on...or, at least trying to

today was the last day of the school year. i found out just last week that i have a job to come back to next year, but that they weren't sure where they were going to put me. last week, they said either i would be in kindergarten again or in the 3rd grade bilingual class. i was cool with either. then my favorite teacher there (who is retiring) told me that the 1st grade bilingual asked if she could have me and apparently was told yes. i was pretty excited about this, because i would really enjoy working with that particular teacher. on my way out of the building today, i stopped to ask if they had solidified my position for next year. i was told, not really, but not in kindergarten and most likely not even in a classroom. i would do things like babysit the in school suspension and the playground, and do groups like ERI (early reading intervention - a scripted curriculum that is my least favorite part of my job). so i am pretty depressed.

i came home and updated my resume. so next week starts a new job hunt. i am thankful that i have a job for next year to fall back on, since i know that my district is cutting people all over. i just know that i belong in the classroom, and i need to work for someone who realizes that. so fingers crossed. universe? help me out? it's frustrating to know exactly what you want to do with your life, and then have people or circumstances prevent you from doing that. all i want is to be in a classroom...

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