Monday, July 27, 2009

now i have a blog again

hooray! i have missed blogging. i was just reading the blog of one of my surrogate mothers from jr. high/high school. it is so nice to be able to have these glimpses into the lives of people who would not otherwise be a part of my life right now. i am so thankful for the internet to allow me to have these connections.
though, i will be on the computer a lot less a week from now. i am a bit anxious for work to start because i don't know who i will be working with - i mean i am not even sure if they even found someone to fill the position. i am confident that it won't be worse than the beginning of last year (they had a retired exchange teacher form mexico who didn't really speak english and had never taught kindegarten - in addition to this she wouldn't take a suggestion to save her life - she went back to mexico in octiber). if i can survive that i can survive anything. it's just weird because if they haven't hired anyone i may be shuffled off to another job in the school :(
well, i need to go get some cat litter so i'll sign off for now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, cat litter, someone who didn't accept suggestions, and wanting to blog... I *heart* you. See you 'round, buttercup!

